He is great. He has a funny accent. He likes to hold my hand or have his arm around me all the time. (I'm me. I love cuddling) We finally went to see Harry Potter last night. Also our first time being alone for more than two minutes. The conversation was okay. It's hard to know where to start but once we are together longer, we can talk about life now, and then he can talk mission and I can talk more about...you. The chemistry, freak, it's so there. I had my hand on his knee and was just rubbing and tickling it. He kept kissing me on the cheek until he finally just held that hand. It was making me laugh because I could tell it was making him CRAZY! ahah. :)

Yay! Sydney came down to see me. I told her to come to Huntington State Beach between stations 7 and 9 by a place called Jack's. After going to the city beach, and then Zack's at stations 17 and 19, we just walked on the boardwalk until we saw each other. Maybe we screamed and gave a super super long hug and said we should have invited Mikey to take our adorable picture. haha. We didn't stay too long after Syd got there but we introduced to her Cronic Taco and she met the boy! I loved seeing my Squid at the beach! :) When I find my camera chord, I
ll put our pictures on.
I miss you guys and I am so excited to see you all soon! So I told you all you would meet Jordan... He leaves for school the 20 so we will miss him, but I don't think you will be that torn up about it. We could even stop in Provo and say hi. :) I wish i could have gone to the rodeo with you. I wish even more that you were just here already!
Love you the most,
Lil Meg
509 memory...

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