We had my grandpa, Bumpa's 90th birthday party on Saturday! It was so fun! It was a diet coke theme because he LOVES diet coke. We had almost all the cousins, aunts and uncles there! We had it at the church because there was 50 people so we couldn't fit them in our house!

Jordan gave his homecoming talk and did a great job! Bishop called to talk to my dad later that night and I answered. He said, "Your boy did a good job!" I was stumbling on my words so badly! I had no idea how to respond! haha.
My parents, McCall, Zach, Jordan, and I went to Lake Mead. We got there and drove out to a cove. We got out to go swimming and Jordan and Zach decided to cliff jump. Call and I tried to convince them not to, but they went anyway. Zach jumped, no biggie. Jordan jumped and he landed a little crooked and hit the side of his chest pretty hard on the water. It knocked the wind out of him so I swam over to him. He was breathing again but started coughing up blood and bleeding out of his nose! I started yelling for my parents to drive to boat over to us but Jordan was swimming okay and talking to me. We got in the boat and he stopped bleeding. It was a little difficult for him to breathe so we waited a bit to see if he felt better or if we should take him in. I broke down. I have a hard time in water still, and this did not help. It was so hard to put myself back together. We took him to the hospital and mom and I waited in the waiting room while the others stayed on the boat. Guess what was wrong... Pick the most random dignosis you can think of... Did you guess pneumonia? If so, you are right!! The fal just knocked crap loose and made his lungs mad so he coughed up blood. Crazy huh? I was so scared for a while but he turned out to be fine!!
Jordan had a bit of a cold a few days after he got home and gave it to me. Well his cold was really pneumonia and yesterday it started getting hard for me to breathe too. Something catches in my chest when I take a deep breath so I just cough. I am going to the doctor too because I most likely have pneimonia too.
The rest of the trip was fun. I got pretty burnt on my shoulders, but everywhere else is good. Have you ever wondered if I can do the splits? Well, I can! I don't know what happened but one foot got out of the ski and got pulled back and the other one kept going forward. Splits! Then I fell. My groin is so sore. We slolemn skiied, wake boarded, and tubed. It was a good trip.
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