Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cold in August

I am sick. Good timing, right? Jordan had a little bit of a cold right after he got home and he gave it to me. His was not that bad and he was over it in two days. I got it and I was so miserable-achy, feverish, sneezing, runny nose-today! I just stayed home today and tried to rest. I am all drugged up and about to go to sleep...yes, before nine! haha. Tomorrow we have a fun date planned.

Next Monday and Tuesday my parents, McCall and I are going to the lake. Our boys are coming too. This could get awkward, but I'm way excited for the lake and I think it will be fun.

I miss you guys so much. I still don't think I've excepted the fact that we are all not moving back in together in a few weeks. Bizarre.

I need a Beth hug.

All my love,
Little Meagan

P.S. Funny speedo story to come, but I need to sneeze so I need to get tissues, so it will have to wait.

509 memory...
Mother's weekend. This was such a fun weekend! It was so fun to have some of the moms with us! Eating foil dinners at the fire was definitely a highlight of the weekend. Moms are great!

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