I start to take all of my clothes and junk into my room, only to see that Caitlin had completely taken over my room. MY room. (Okay, so there are only two kid rooms and three of us, so it makes sense that the two college kids would share, but seriously, it is so cluttered with bins and extra storage and...stuff). So the fix is that I am going to box up the coat closet in the hall, and put all of the stuff I need in there, and all the stuff I am just going to store here will be down at my dad's shop. Yeah. Cool. I am not that upset because I'd rather have my own space than try to fit too much in the room for just a couple weeks and then try to sort it all our again. Just a couple weeks.
It still scares me how much I am okay with only being here for a couple weeks. I love being home. No one understands me like mom. Or at least no one used to. I'd like to think you guys think I'm as cool as she does. (hahha) The Lord's hand is in everything.
My mom just came back from visiting her mom, Darling, who lives half a mile away. She is 86 I think and had terrible terrible arthritis. She is in so much pain and my mom, in a very gentle kind way, was trying to tell me how bad she is. I don't know how much longer she will be here. I can't deal with that right now. At least not on my own.
Oh, the joys of being back home...home? In Upland.
Love ya,
Lil Meg
509 memory...

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