Tuesday, September 1, 2009


So I’m all settled in the new house. I am enjoying myself and everything is going really well so far. Draper, UT is the most boring place on earth…maybe it’s just because I don’t know anyone besides my fake family, and, let’s be honest, I don’t even really know them! But so far, I really like my Ffamily.
Fdad is 35, works for the government, the nicest guy, treats his wife and family so well, and very attractive. ;)
Fmom is 33, is 3 months prego with number 3, nice and easy to talk to.
Fbrother, Trendon, is 10, likes to be wherever I am (nice to get some human interation, so I don’t mind), helps around the house a lot, kind of reserved.
Fbrother 2, Brex (or maybe Brax), 8 years old, super cute, he’s never really around, fights with his brother a lot, and never stops moving.
So that’s the fake family. I have a super nice room, lots of space. The fakes don’t have wireless internet, big downfall. I’m going to the family ward with them today, but I think I am going to ask their bishop where singles ward is…I really need friends! Job search is going well. I’ve applied at a few places and I have a ton of applications to take back Monday.

The trip was great! I’m so glad we all were able to go…except when Syd ditched us in Vegas. We missed you!! Mikey, mom said you left you swim suit and someone else (Brittney?) left a robe. Thanks for coming to my house and letting me take you around! I love you girls and can’t wait to see you! Mikey…move now!
Love you! Lil Meg

P.S. Hey blog stalkers! I’ve been a blog stalker for about a year probably, but now that I have blog stalkers, kind of don’t like it! Hypocritical? Maybe. 


  1. well your rfamily misses you. <3 rsister, caitlin

  2. I'm so glad you girls all have blogs! Now if Kayla would just update hers...ha ha I hope you're doing well! :)
