Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Quick update

Last weekend Julie got engaged! She is getting married May 1! Then Kayla got engaged the next day (as you know)! So two of my best! Crazy!

This weekend, Jordan is coming to visit!! My 21st birthday is Saturday! How can I be 21!?! I'm not old enough! I can't wait to see Jordan...after just one month!! Ugh.. this could be a long semester!!

I love you. And miss you!
(Not so*) Little Meg

*Can 21 year olds still be little? :)

PS Better update to come, Syd...since I think you are the only one left blogging! I read!


  1. haha. you're my favorite :)
    and don't worry, i'll give those slackers a brief summary of everything!
    we just saw mikey last weekend... when are yooouuuuuuu coming to play?!!
    miss and LOVE you.

  2. So many weddings to come for you! That is so exciting. I was so excited to hear that Kayla is engaged! Too fun!!
